How Did Patsy Takemoto Mink Show Courage

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Courage is said to be one of the most important characteristics a person can possess. We all admire the ones that put their jobs and lives on the line. They are not afraid to go against what the human society believes in, and some put their lives on the line to protect their loved ones’ back home. Robert F Kennedy stated in Profiles of Courage, that “Courage is the virtue that President Kennedy most admired. He sought out those people who had demonstrated in some way, whether it was on the battlefield or a baseball diamond, in a speech or fighting for a cause, that they had courage, that they would stand up, that they could be counted on (Kennedy ix). Patsy Takemoto Mink was born on December 6th, 1927 in the town of Hamakuapoko on the island of Maui in the Hawaiian Island (YourDictionary 1). Her parents, Suematsu Takemoto and Mitama Tateyama, were both children of Japanese immigrants that moved to Hawaii to work on sugar cane plantations (The Library of Congress 2). Mink excelled in her studies in high school. She was elected the first female president of Maui High School student body (YourDictionary 1). After Pearl Harbor, racism …show more content…

An example is in Peggy Simpson’s article, Minks Death Leaves Title IX Without its Champion; Simpson quotes Representative Nancy Pelosi, “One of the Senators said to us, ‘Women! Get up against the wall and be quiet’ Can you imagine” (1)? Mink later decided to try and put a stop to this discrimination, so she formed the bill Title IX. This bill states “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded form participation in, being denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal Financial Assistance” The bill was then passed in 1972 (Feminist 1). Now women all across the country would be treated fairly all because of a lady who decided to go against the popular

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