How Is Rudy Related To Psychology

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Rudy Ruettiger, a Youngin that has one thing sitting on his mind FOOTBALL! In the movie Rudy , It starts off with the noise of a loud crowd. A noise that every Footballer would know when it touches their eardrums. The loud chanting of thousands of fans screaming out their Team name while holding colorful Posters and paint all over their faces. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is its sport related…Which it is! Rudy was raised in a small town in Joliet, Illinois. As the movie continues we can see Rudy and his brothers playing football together in the snow. Right off the bat, we see that Rudy isn't your average Football player. He’s small and skinny and gets tackled at everyplay. Although he's getting demolished, you can tell he has a big heart. His Older brother Frank gave him a hard time focusing on his dream. He constantly teased him and always found a way to bring him down. His other brother Johnny, was his nicer brother that made him feel more optimistic about himself and took down the pressure from Frank. As Rudy gets older, we see the …show more content…

There's thousand of kids riding the bench because they “suck” or simply chosen by favoritism which lowers their self esteem. For example, When fortune was giving advice to Rudy, he mentions how he himself was in the Notre Dame football team. He explains how he quit because all he did was ride the bench for two years and felt that he didn’t play because of his color. There has been many moment in history where players were judged just because of the color of their skin and was literally the reason why they didn't get playing time. Just like how Rudy didn't get any playing time because he was small but look what happened in the end; he played with the highest ranking team in the united states. The movie sends out a positive and influential message to those who aren't confident in

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