Lorenzo de' Medici Essays

  • Lorenzo De Medici Analysis

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    Some men are just “normal”, not looking for power and wanting to live a normal life. That wasn’t Lorenzo de’ Medici, this was not a man that wanted little from the world, this was the real Don Corleone. He didn’t need to ask, he could just take. He was someone to be feared and even his enemies would not move against him and hope to live and those that did move against them would fail to eliminate him, neither the Pazzi’s or Ferdinand I had the ability to defeat him. He while he was a sort of Stateman

  • Michelangelo And The Italian Renaissance

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    Rome in 1498, the cardinal Jean Bilhères de Lagraulas, a representative of the French King Charles VIII to the pope, commissioned "Pieta," a sculpture of Mary holding the dead Jesus across her lap[https://www.biography.com/]. Despite being in the employ of the Medici Pope Clement VII, Michelangelo backed the republican cause and was appointed director of the city’s fortifications. In 1527, the citizens of Michelangelo’s native Florence expelled the ruling Medici family and installed a republican government

  • How Did De Medici Contribute To The Renaissance?

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    secularism, and classicism. The De’ Medici family was a wealthy family who gained control and power over much of Florence by using their individual skill, political power, and their intellectual intelligence. The De’ Medici family ruled as an uncrowned monarchy, they had considerable power over the people of Florence but were never crowned as kings. Due to the De’ Medici family, culture flourished, and Florence became the cultural center of Europe. Lorenzo De’ Medici, or Lorenzo the Magnificent, best represents

  • Michelangelo Research Paper

    253 Words  | 2 Pages

    Domenico Ghirlandaio. After just one year of working with him because he believed he had nothing more to learn from him. After this he was taken under the wing of Lorenzo De Medici. Michelangelo’s new connection the De Medici family help him learn new skills, The skills that will help him build up his fame later on. Before the fall of De Medici Michelangelo had left to explore more opportunities. In his artwork he wanted “to let the representations

  • Michelangelo Buonarroti Research Paper

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    described as abstemious. He was very introverted and rough around the edges, often withdrawing himself from company in order to be alone (paraphrase of “Michelangelo Buonarroti Biography”). Conflicts took place within the Medici family, resulting in the death of his teacher, Lorenzo. Michelangelo fled to Bologna, after being expelled from Florence, and stayed at his father’s house. There he created a crucifix to

  • Sandro Botticelli's Primaver A Lesson For The Bride

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    Bride, describes the connections between the painting and these ideologies using a feminist approach. She acknowledges Neoplatonism and the Medici Circle, and uses it to describe the roles a woman was expected to play in both society and marriage. It has been theorized that the painting is supposed to represent the marriage between Lorenzo di Pierfrancesco de’ Medici and Semiramide d’Appiani, but Zirpolo’s essay focuses specifically on the brides moral lessons. Zirpolo argues that the function of Primavera

  • Michelangelo Research Paper

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    Moses with horns on his head. Michelangelo felt it was his most lifelike creation and legend says that when finished, he struck the statues knee and commanded it to speak (Anirudh). In 1559 the Laurentian Library was completed. Commissioned by the Medici pope, Michelangelo designed the interior and vestibule. It is considered one of his most important achievements and his innovations and use of space are revolutionary. He pioneered the Mannerist style in architecture

  • Reb Saunders Quotes

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    “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.” The author of this quote, Michelangelo, explains how many can achieve a goal almost effortlessly, but few actually try to achieve something that requires toilsome work. Such work that is not always successful, but when it is, the result is superior compared to an insufficient effort. The extraordinary man who wrote this quote achieved greatness by striving for excellence. Michelangelo

  • A History Of The Statue/Narrative Story Of Giambologna

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    History of the Statue/Narrative Story of the Content: Giambologna was commissioned to create a piece for the Loggia, or open-air gallery, by the Grand Duke Francesco de’ Medici in 1574. Giambologna's third major work, it is perceived to be one of the greatest sculptures ever. It represented the climax of his career as a figure sculptor, uniting three figures into a single spiral composition. The actual theme of the finished statue was not determined until shortly before its installation in the Loggia

  • Michelangelo Research Paper

    1256 Words  | 6 Pages

    Michelangelo Do you know what great artist do to their work to make it exquisite? Many people think it is how they paint with brushes, strokes, different colors, values, and depth but, I beg to differ. Yes, these are important qualities people should have in their paintings. Michelangelo paintings were very much different. Michelangelo Merisi was his formal name, he was born in Italy around 1571, but goes by Caravaggio (Web. Bio.). He is considered one of the fathers of modern paintings (Web. Bio

  • Leonardo Bruni Florentine

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    Journal Entry: Bruni “Excerpt from a Treatise” Leonardo Bruni was a Florentine humanist, and contributed to Florence flourishing during the Renaissance. So many of the great Italian Renaissance figures where from Florence, including Petrarch, Bruni, and Machiavelli. Also many of the famous Renaissance artists were from Florence including, Michelangelo, Raphael, and Botticelli. This shows how much of an epicenter Florence was for the Renaissance. I though it was interesting how the fall of the Florentine

  • Michelangelo's The Battle Of The Centaurs

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    (gwu.edu). The next sculpture that Michelangelo was commissioned to work on was the Pieta sculpture which was made for French cardinal, Jean Villiers de Fezencac. The cardinal wanted a sculpture of the Virgin Mary and Jesus. Michelangelo signed a contract for the sculpture to be completed in one year. Not only did he finish the sculpture, he did an outstanding job. The Pieta consists of an intimate

  • Michelangelo's Accomplishments

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    Did you know that Michelangelo is considered the “Father and Master of All the Arts”? Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel all alone and this gave him great anguish, which was helped by the woman he loved, Vittoria Colonna. Michelangelo supposedly also had a homosexual relationship, but that does not affect the fact that he was a brilliant, amazing artist from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries who created many extravagant works of art, such as the Sistine Chapel, “David”, and “Pieta” Michelangelo’s

  • Michelangelo's Influence On Italian Literature And Culture

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    permission from his catholic church to study the cadavers into anatomy, but being around the corpses had a reverse affect on his health. At the age of sixteen he created two sculptures, one is “Battle of the centaurs” two “Madonna seated on step”. When Lorenzo the magnificent died, it forced Michelangelo to flee to Bolanga, where he continued to study his work. In 1495 he returned to Florence as a sculptor. When he retired as a sculptor in 1498 he moved away to Rome to continue his fledgling career. Not

  • Sandro Botticelli's Mystic Nativity

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    botticelli’s only painting that was signed and dated, was titled the Mystic Nativity. Through the religious iconography in the painting, a better understanding of the political turmoil at this time is realized. Originally a court painter for the Medici family, Botticelli came to be an ardent follower of the friar and preacher savonarola. Savonarola (something about being so hardcore and a dictator and extremist ) Many great pieces of art were destroyed in this period unless they were

  • Neroccio De Landi On Painting Analysis

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    1435, Alberti authored On Painting, a didactic book where he laid down the rudiments of this practice for fellow and aspiring artists. Judging from the principles expounded in it, Leon Battista Alberti would have admired several features of Neroccio de’ Landi’s Annunciation (1475), but also disliked an element of that painting. He would have commended Neroccio’s spatial construction, variety in composition, and representation of emotions since they all accorded with the methods that

  • Michelangelo's Accomplishments

    278 Words  | 2 Pages

    Michelangelo was a Italian sculptor, painter, architect, poet, and engineer of the High Renaissance. He was born on March 6, 1475. Michelangelo was born into a banking family. When he was younger his mother had past away. Growing up Michelangelo always wanted to be a artist but never enjoyed going to school. He conviced his father to let him study art and two years later he was able to find his true passion. His true passion was being a sculpture. Michelangelo left Florence and he was found by the

  • Analysis Of Sonnet 18

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    SONNET 18 is a very famous poetry, from a very famous poet writer, it gives feelings and self expression for the reader or listener when he or she reads or hear the poem. The writer of this poem is William Shakespeare, William Shakespeare is one of the most talented poets in English poets. He wrote many poems, from them he wrote the sonnets. Our discussion in the assignment sheet analysis is on one of William Shakespeare sonnets, it is sonnet 18. William Shakespeare is the greatest writer in the

  • Michelangelo Research Paper

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    interested in the family business so at the age of 13 Michelangelo was exposed to the technique of fresco at the Florentine painter’s workshop. While working in the workshop, he was presented with opportunity to study classical sculptures in the Medici gardens and he also received permission from the Catholic Church to study cadavers. This gave Michelangelo the opportunity to learn more about

  • Inigo Jones Architecture

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    Inigo Jones (15 July 1573 – 21 June 1652) often called the first English Architect and one of the most important English Renaissance architects. Jones appears in the architectural landscape to change the British style and design becoming therefore, the architect responsible for introducing the classical architecture of Rome and the Italian Renaissance to Britain. Broadly conceived, it can be said that this self-taught son of a Smithfield (a cloth maker), had an enormous impact on British art and