Water Problem In Singapore Water Pollution

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MAJOR PROBLEM: SINGAPORE WATER SHORTAGE ISSUE Short history of Singapore: Singapore gained independence on 9th August in 1965 from the merger with Malaysia. After its separation from Malaysia, Singapore faces major problem in many areas. Singapore is a small island of area size of 718.3km square. Given her limited land capacity, Singapore face a severe lack of natural resources such as water. In the ’60s and ’70s, Singapore was heavily reliant on imported water from Malaysia and faced urbanisation challenges such as polluted rivers, water shortages and widespread flooding. Despite the gloomy start of Singapore’s independence, Singapore had signed two water contracts with Malaysia earlier in 1961 and 1962. The 1961 contract had empowered Singapore with the ability to draw up to 82 million gallons of water per day from Malaysia till 2011. While the 1962 water contract with Malaysia, allows Singapore to have the ability to draw up to 252 million gallons of water per day from Malaysia up till 2061. CAUSES OF WATER SHORTAGE IN SINGAPORE: Taking a look at the water shortage issue in Singapore, we can split it into two aspects which is the supply and the demand level of water in Singapore. Singapore is a country with no rivers or lakes to tap for fresh water. Due to these natural constraints, Singapore faces a serious issue with the supply of fresh water for consumption. Singapore’s only source of water is rainwater. In the early days of the young nation, very little

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